In our brave new world, shopping experience has become the most differentiating factor, shaping the retail industry. Unique ways to encounter the brand, the store, and the products extend far beyond transactions, it is all about a journey of senses and interaction with customers.
Honoring the long beloved tradition of giving roses for Women’s day, Q STORE was telling art story of its own, by oversized handmade paper roses of an elegant note with a modern twist. In order to create a recognizable look & feel, a scalable version of the installation was positioned in corners across the country
During this experience period lasting for 3 days, all woman entering IQOS Service Points nationwide, received a paper rose as token of appreciation. Proud to own feeling was accented among female legal age users strengthening the bond with the brand. After all, it is not only about creation of visual merchandising, it’s about creation of INSPIRED MOMENTS.